Thursday, November 30, 2006

Organic compound

organic compounds:
1. carb
2. lipid
3. protein
4. nucleic acids

3-6 C
C=O group in straight chain form
6C monosaccharid chains
6C = hexoses e.g., glucose
polysacc = glycogen = 100s glucose

condensation= mono > polysacc
1 h20 is remove per 2 monosacc joined

hydrolysis = polysacc breakdown
1 h20 per 1 bond between 2 monosacc split

(may have P and N)
fat molecule = gylcerol + 3 fatty acids
glycerol (3C each with OH hydroxyl)
fatty acids = 4-24C chain with COOH
so fat = 3 fatty acids + glycerol via condensation
3fatty acids from hydrolysis of fat

CHON (sometimes S)
20 aa common in proteins
each aa has the above C with amino and carboxyl group and side chain R
R makes aa unique
aa joined via condensation > peptide bonds
peptide bonds between COOH and NH2 of successive aa

1 aa = polypeptide
protein = 1+ polypeptides (each polypeptide = subunit)
multimeric= structure composed of several identical or different subunits held together by weak bonds
proteins stabilized by H bonds and covalent disulfide bonds
disulfide bond (S of 2 cysteine)
#1 linear sequence of aa
#2 spatial arrangement of nearby aa and locations of disulfide between subunits
motif = a-helix, b-sheet
#3 spatial arrangement of aa residues in polypeptide
#4 multimeric prot only have interactions between polypeptides

Nucleic Acid
1. deoxyribonucleic
2. ribonucleic acid
each have nucleotides
PN covalent bond to 5C sugar
DNA has 4 nucleotides (different nitrogenous base)
purine = adenine and guanine (2 rings)
pYrimidine = cYtosine thYmine (1 ring)
nucleotides bond at the P group and the deoxyribose
sequence of nucleotides = genetic info
DNA 2 nucleotide chains (oriented in opposite directions)
H bonds hold the bases together
double helix means only TA and GC
4 rungs = AT, TA, GC, CG

mRNA = DNA instructions transferred to cytoplasm for protein synth
rRNA = ribosomes, structural component of protein synth
tRNA = carry aa to ribosome for prot synth (according to mRA)

RNA has ribose, uracil not thymine, single stranded


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